Geoff's Jorum - a personal repository


This site is where you'll find things of interest to me, Geoff, and who knows, things that may be of interest to you too.

This incarnation of the site has been prompted by a change of hosting (a not very interesting story which you can read here), which broke the inertia and allowed me to start a comprehensive update.

Bit of Kit
Latest Bit of Kit

What's the latest piece of unnecessary electrical/ electronic equipment I've purchased? Well as you can see it's Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro, more info here.

Beer & Brewing

I restarted brewing a few years ago, encouraged by some new technology. Link to the story below!


I play the bassoon, regularly with the Bushey Symphony Orchestra, plus depping around London. I sometimes do some arranging too!

Other things of interest

Here are some links to some other sites that I contribute to, a couple of blogs and the long-standing amateur orchestras list:


Ickenham Weather, from our own weather station